My Hanauta album and Rabitto magazine just came!!!

Mar 02, 2013 13:11


I've waited for 2 months and at last it came and I cried a little (;ω;)
I got the Hanauta's Animate bonus too: Hanauta logo keychain and 3 cards with Kettan's signature!
The Rabitto magz consists of 20+ pages of Kettan, Kettan poster, also articles of Mittaro, Pokota, and Koma'n (≧∇≦)/

I'm so happy today! I can't wait for my Root Five album to come!!!
Also gonna order the fanbook asap (><)

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

root five, magazine, mi-chan, money, fangirling, koma'n, koman, pokota, album, via ljapp, kettaro

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