Otanjoubi Omedetou Ikeoka Ryosuke!

Sep 04, 2011 01:28

So my dear cutie son just had his 18th year bday on Sept 3rd...
Wish you all the best!!! o(>_<)o
More handsome, more diligent, cuter, smarter, luckier, kinder, nicer, healthier, lovelier, and more more goodness for you!

I've plan to draw fanarts for him and Yuuki's bday too... but I guess, I lost my interest because my messy desk XD but I try make it later... So for now, I made fanvid, my very first fanvid, so don't expect much :D

Both of my fave kiddos were born on Sept, Virgo, also from Aichi... and both played my favorite characters, Kaido and Joe :) In term of face, they're nothing alike beside their square jaws XD and both usually use glasses...
(not to mention, one is so slim and one is so chubby :3)

So, last words... Ikepi, I want to keep you all to myself \(^w^)/

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happy birthday, fanvid, ikeoka ryosuke, d2

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