Well, Pat Robertson has come forth and claimed that God - holiest of the holies - has told him that, gasp, a
Tsunami may hit the U.S. It may hit the U.S.? God isn't sure, he's still mulling it over. I thought God was absolute? Oh darn, nothing's sacred in this old world any longer.
You may remember Pat Robertson. He's the same man who brought you Fags Caused 9/11 w/ Jerry Falwell, Assassinate Hugo Chavez and Israel's Pullout from the Gaza Strip Pissed God Off So He Caused Ariel Sharon's Stroke. What a guy.
Of course, this is Bush America. This is the place where the President of the United States claims he was put into office by God (who probably rigged the elections in Florida and Ohio, I just betcha ya) who told him to fight this war against terror and all those nasty Muslims who worship that other guy. What a couple of freaks.
Here's the thing: if you or I were standing on a street corner talking to a group of a people and told them that God had been holding conversations with us, they'd think we were nuts and completely ignore us or call the guys with the white coats. Robertson preaches to millions and the decisions by Bush affect billions.
Where are the guys with the white coats?