1/22/22 ... TWENTY TWO

Jan 22, 2022 10:02

22 twenty two oh its a magic number.. oh yea it is

my throat feels like someone poared hot embers down it then
decided it would be funny to follow that up with some cigarettes
I miss the desert alot latley.. but the last couple of days in
indiana have actually been a ton of fun.. Mag bar, galavanting through
the streets, whiskey...,working, womyns asses(if your proud of your butt
show it to me) i really like butts. they make me smile!, hanging out with old
friends, oh and waisting my life away on the computer and not
getting anything done that i need to get done.. good stuff huh?
well in order to seem less metaphorical and silly
im gonna end this with a big FUCK YOU!!
and i love you.
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