(no subject)

Mar 24, 2013 13:07

Very annoyed with my relationship with Tyler.. he's a jerk so much of the time I don't know if I can handle it anymore. We got into a huge fight last night and I did some things I regret, but he hasn't treated me any differently. I just want to talk things through so we can overcome our issues, but he just get mad after I say two words and gets loud with me. Ugghh..

1. Do you write in your phone's notebook at all? If so, what kinds of things do you write in it?
Things to remind me. Movie titles, book titles, things I need/want.

2. If hypothetically you had twins tomorrow - a boy and a girl - what would you name them?
It would have to be discussed with the father.

3. Do you like shows on TLC like Cake Boss or Say Yes to the Dress? What are your favorites?
Yes.. Cake Boss, Addicted.

4. ^What about Discovery Channel shows (ex: Deadliest Catch)?
Mythbusters and Man VS Wild.

5. Would you be willing to attend a hypnosis session as a means of curing a bad habit or adopting a lifestyle change? Do you believe hypnosis is capable of these things or do you think it's nonsense?
It might be possible. I'd try it if it were free.

6. Do you still keep in touch with the person who has disappointed you the most? How is your relationship with that person now?
Not sure how to answer this. My boyfriend, Tyler.. our relationship is good but bad.. Love but don't get along and don't communicate very well. Too much bitterness and hate going on deep inside each of us..

7. Have you ever entered some kind of sweepstakes and actually won something pretty cool? Have you ever seen that show featuring people who are addicted to entering sweepstakes?
Never seen the show and I've never entered in any sweepstakes.

8. Does it hurt your eyes when you're looking at a laptop or cell phone screen in the dark?
If it's for a long time.

9. For those who read e-books: Be honest, do your eyes hurt after awhile of reading from the screen compared to books?
I don't like reading books on the computer.

10. Have you ever seriously considered moving to a different country before? If you were to, which country would you most likely move to?
Nope. I would have to do research to pick a country.

11. If it meant getting your dream hair texture/color you've always wanted easily and for much cheaper, would you consider wearing a wig all the time?
No thanks.

12. Do the think the beliefs you have today are a result of your family's beliefs you grew up with, purely your own beliefs you adopted on your own, or a combination of the two?
Probably a combination. I'm the only one in my family that doesn't believe in god really though. I more or less believe there is some higher power but not exactly the way they spin it in religions that believe in god.

13. What makes you most nervous? This can be a big picture thing or something in everyday life.

14. Can you think of a moment when you were people-watching and saw something really gross or bizarre?
Nothing that comes to mind, but I'm sure I've seen something.

15. When you have to sneeze, do you look up at a bright light to get it out? Or am I the only one who knows about that trick?
I don't think that really works. Use to think that though.

16. Describe your grandparents.
They are very religious. My Pepere was going to be a priest until he married my Memere. He was a carpenter and is a very wise and caring man. They are both observers but try to keep tabs on all their grandchildren and children, even though we probably have about 50 people in our family. My Memere is a sweet lady, always looking out for everyone. Nurturing and has her funny moments.

17. How quickly do you typically get over an embarrassing moment?
Depends on what it is.

18. What's your favorite ethnic cuisine to eat?
Mediterranean, Chinese, Mexican.

19. Are there any movie/TV families that you think mirror your family, even if just a little?
None that come to mind.

20. Would you rather have a job where you sit on the computer all day or one where you're constantly on your feet, interacting with people?
Constantly on my feet, interacting. Makes time go by faster.

21. What did you do on Memorial Day? Anything interesting?
I do not remember. I just moved to the island at that time. Was homeless.
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