Oct 17, 2007 14:34
begin scene
enter charlotte, sitting in an uncomfy chair in the urgent care clinic in madison heights
doctor pops his head in and says "Hi Charlotte, do you mind if one of the med students talks to you first?"
enter cute young doctor who is studying at msu.
exit cute young doctor after interrogating Charlotte about her symptoms and being told about recent bowel movements etc.
enter cute jewish doctor with two med students (cute one and black one - hey, I'm not racist, but the black guy just wasn't cute... get over it!)
exit cute jewish doctor and med students
enter nurse who is a midget version of wanda sykes (I'm not sure how tall she is in real life, but I'd assume she's taller than 5 foot!)
exit nurse wanda with a vile of blood and a throat swab after commenting on how far she could stick the swab without me gagging.
enter cute jew doctor and med students
exit cute jew doctor and med students after saying I don't have mono/strep but we're gonna give you a 'script of amoxicillin that you shouldn't fill unless we tell you and a shot of some sort
enter robust blonde nurse
exit robust blonde nurse after administering a shot
enter robust blonde nurse with can of oj and instructions to lay down as I look pale and complain of dizziness
exit robust blonde nurse
enter cute jew doc alarmed at the sound of vomiting
exit cute jew doc after a rub on the back and more instructions to rest prior to leaving
enter robust blonde nurse #2
exit robust nurse #2 with a garbage bag full of vom and permission to go home
exit Charlotte.
end scene