Apr 06, 2012 03:59

Alfred Watkins, who discovered the ley lines in England, laid the beginning for the new direction of research related to the geographical location of historic objects. He noted that the various historic structures, megaliths, burial mounds, temples and other holy places lie on the straight lines and form a complex system, like a spider's web.

For Watkins, the concept of a system of straight lines connecting the points of the ancient, landscape was something much more than just a game of imagination. The hard work of compiling maps for the Military Surveyor, and field observations convinced him that "special place" of ancient Britain were actually located along straight lines. The work of Watkins about leis , as he called these lines, caused small sensation when it appeared in book form, entitled "An old straight path," in 1925. Contemporary research of lees in Britain led Paul Devereux, who became editor in chief of the English periodical, "Ley Hunter" in 1976.

But, as the British Isles, are so rich in archaeological and architectural monuments, that many sanctums ,monuments and notable points of the landscape are simply obliged to locate in straight lines, even if by accident.

Belonging of the nodal points of leis to different periods of history and the presence of many different functions, was considered a weak point "ley-hunters." Also. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine why Christians built their churches on the places of some megalithic structures, not only in England, if there was no real tradition emphasizing their importance as special and sacred places, tradition that came from the Bronze Age and Early Iron Age of barbarian Europe in historic times. On the other hand it may mean that the leis lines form a system, which originated in prehistoric times.

Exactly about such system says Jim Allison in his works, who discovered the laws in location of the ancient historical objects already in the global - planetary scale. In his article "A NEW LOOK AT AN OLD DESIGN" he describes one of the main lines that exactly passes through Great Pyramid, Easter Island and Nazca desert. Also on the line with high accuracy are located two dozen well-known ancient objects , historic cities and monuments. In another article, Alison describes some great circles passing through other objects located on one line.

Except the patterns described by Jim Allison, in his articles, at putting of the lines on three-dimensional model of the Earth, were revealed other interesting features of the interaction is very large circles. These features are associated with intersections of lines and proportional correlations in the distance between objects.

For example, it was found that the Nazca desert does not simply lie on the line of Easter Island - The Great Pyramid (GP), and divides the line in the ratio 4/13. Distance from Easter Island to the GP is 16,167 km, or about 145 (145.4) degrees. Thus, the line is divided by 34 and 111 degrees, it will be 3804 in kilometers and 12,363, respectively. It turns out, as well as in the case with Mecca, from which to the South Pole is also 111 degrees, the distance from Nazca to the GP is the number of arc degrees (111) multiplied by the number of kilometers in a single degree (111.2 km). i.e approximately the square of 111. As it is well known Mecca lies in a golden-section relatively to the poles, which is given exactly with 111 degrees (180/111 = 111/69). Therefore, the Nazca also lies in the golden- section between antithesis of GP the Great Pyramid itself.

Also are interesting the intersection of the lines on when three or four absolutely unrelated lines intersect at one point. For example, the same basic line of the Easter Island - GP, crosses the equator on the meridian of Uluru, the latitude of Easter Island on the meridian of Vatican, as well as latitude of Nazca lines (15 ° S) on the meridian of Nan Madol.

Line of Easter Island - Tiwanaku passes through point symmetric to Nan Madol relatively equator and the line GP- Nan Madol crosses the latitude of Teotihuacan on the meridian of the same Vatican.

At interacting with the orientations lines of historical objects which are also (great circles), appears many interesting intersections which can be seen on the interactive map.

The randomness of all these "coincidences" causes serious doubts and makes you to think whether really assumptions is not justified about the availability of the world system that combining the pyramids, megaliths and other historic buildings.

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