Jun 15, 2006 12:59
every time I tell my parents about anything they always respond negatively. I'm tired of being poopoo'd every time I open my mouth. it doesn't matter what I'm talking about, because every time I speak they grant me such little credibility that they automatically assume that it is a bad idea.
I come up with a lot of ideas and plans. I planned to move out, and they poopoo'd that. I planned to get an iguana, they poopoo'd that. I planned to buy a chair (that's right; A CHAIR) and they EVEN POOPOO'D THAT! A FUCKING CHAIR!! honestly! it cost me $2 ("but where are you going to put it? what if it breaks? blah blah fuckity blah")
today I told them that I might not move out right away if I got a car. geuss what response I got: POO POO all over my head.
how do they think it makes me feel when every time I have an idea they shoot it down? do they think it makes me feel good inside to have it insinuated day in and day out that I am too stupid to take control of my own life?
for fuck's sake, I have a better grasp of reality than they do. they're archaic relics of what humans used to be. they belong in an old folks home. I'm not over-exagerating. my dad is almost 80, and my mom is 12 years behind. they're genuinely stupid, my old man has alzheimers, and my mom is too timid to leave the house for 5 minutes without locking the doors. (and we live in the middle of the country).
I'm so sick of dealing with their bullshit. why can't they act with a little more sensitivity ? at any age it sucks to have to take care of your elderly parents. but when you're 18 it's a kick square in the nuts with a steel-toed boot.
fuck them. fuck this. out.
oh yeah, I'm trying to quit smoking, and these parents of mine AINT HELPIN THE PROCESS