Nov 01, 2008 21:59
Trolling around on Facebook a couple of weeks ago I came across a status update posted by my cousin Gregory. Gregory attends a prep school out in the suburbs. (Read: predominately not minority student population).
Here's a kid that despite suffering some major tragedies has managed to keep an amazing attitude about life and an unwavering optimism about the future. In the post that I read, he was basking in wonder and amazement at being elected Class President. One of his "friends" from around the way remarked..."Aww...they only elected you because of Barack Obama!" to which Gregory laughed off the comment in a good natured way and accused his friend of always saying things like that....
...but what if?
What if Barack's success in his presidental bid, galvanizing so many folks, and inspiring millions to dream of a better, more cooperative world changes not only the political game, but the game of life? What if electing an African American Class President in a predominately white school suddenly becomes something that isn't viewed as an interesting anomaly, but an insignificant fact of the matter?
What if?
What if looking at the Obamas, people will finally get to see that beneath it all, most of us want the same things in life? A nice place to live. A safe environment to thrive in. An uninhibited chance to work and get equal pay for equal work...a fair chance at making some of our dreams come true...a real chance for our children to learn and grow. A chance to really and truly....LIVE.
What if?
What if for the first time ever, every American parent regardless of race, creed, or color...can look their children square in the eye and tell them that they too can be anything that they want to be..even President of the United States, if they really work hard for it...and this time actually have something to point to as proof positive that this statement is true?
What if?
What if Barack Obama is elected president and is unable to prove himself as effective and dynamic as we all hope he can be? What judgment will be passed down on people of color should he fail?
What if despite all the doubts and fears, hope prevails and things actually do start to get better?
What if?
For the first time in a long time, I'm excited and cautiously optimistic about the future...and a whole lot of "What ifs?"
current events,