'Cause I'm in a somewhat grumpy mood today.
By now I'm sure many of you have had the chance to get your chuckle on from viewing
Stuff White People Like and/or
Stuff Educated Black People Like. Because I tend to think people are more alike than different, I'm going to take a guess and say that by the time it's all over and done with, a large percentage of those lists will contain the same items/topics...if only with a slightly different spin on them, but it's all good.
So keeping in the spirit, I thought it might be fun to post the stuff that I like and see how much I really have in common with you all dear flist, but alas...I'm feeling kinda bleh today. So I'm gonna post about the shit that I can't stand.
Holla if you hear me.
#1 Bank Fees
Nothing pisses me off more than having to pay for the luxury of using my own damn money. I know that technically they are providing a service for me by making it easy to turn my paper check into cold hard cash or paying bills electronically, but it isn't really as if I have a choice. Without a bank account, I'd have to pay ridiculous fees for a third party to cash my check and/or subject myself to having to walk around with cash more often than I'd like. I recently got hit with $70 in bank fees because a savings account that I don't use finally hit $0 because of "service fees." I swear, I wanted to beat the living hell out of the first bank employee I could get my hands on.
And just so you know...come hell or high water I'm gonna get that money back!
#2 Living in a city that requires a car
That sux more than I can ever describe. I HATE the fact that there is no truly reliable public transportation here and no rapid/commuter transit at all. Because of this I have to have a car, pay out of control insurance rates, and drive in conditions that make me stressed and white-knuckled by the time I get to my destination. There is no end in sight.
#3 Watermelon
It's really all melons, but watermelon especially. I have tried several times in my life to eat and like this fruit that everyone seems to enjoy so much. I can honestly report that even after my tastebuds learned to like mustard and olives (though not together) they still violently refuse to go anywhere near a melon. Oh well...
#4 Being cold
I will sleep in a heated house, with a heated pad, under 3 blankets, with the space heater trained on my face. I once remarked to
darkprism that I keep my office thermostat set to "Jamaica" because I can't stand to be cold. I'd rather be too hot than too cold anyday. I can't take it. My nose and feet are always cold and right now I'm longing for summer. Funny thing is, my kid is just the opposite. Fire and Ice...that's us.
#5 People who take my opinions and repackage/restate them as their own original thoughts
This happens to me often enough to make me seriously want to take out kneecaps. My ex was NOTORIOUS for doing this, and he was so dense, he would say the shit back to me as if I didn't know where it came from. Recently this happened on a book discussion board, and as you can tell I'm a little pissed about it. I know that imitation is supposed to be the highest form of flattery, but I'm having trouble accepting this. At least say "I'm in agreement with ... when she said...." Or at the very least, show some sense of common courtesy and repeat that shit in a different arena where I'm not likely to know you ripped me off. Hell, that's what I do! ;-)
Okay, so I feel slightly better. Next time I promise a more cheerful list.
Until then, lemme know what you truly can't stand.