Mar 17, 2009 00:34
So it seems I've finally reached the point of blogger's constipation. I have so much to say that nothing wants to come out, so here I sit. (There's an image.)
I would say that the ramped up frenzy of last year's election has left me with a sense of quiet. Now instead of comsuming mass amounts of CNN, MSNBC, and all the other newsy junk food, I have to face myself again....coming back to the same uncertainties that I managed to stave off for a period of time. That mirror gazing can be a bitch sometimes, but it's necessary I suppose.
Some other quick updates: So far I'm weathering the financial crisis OK, but I don't know how much longer the folks around me are going to be able to hold out. No less than 6 of my close family members have been out of work since last year, and I don't see things picking up any time soon. I'm wondering if I'm going to have to take in a few of them. We shall see.
I saw The Watchmen last week and really enjoyed the film. As a non-reader of graphic novels, I am glad to have had the opportunity to read and familiarize myself with the story prior to attending the movie, else I would have been very confused at times. Overall, I thought it was a pretty good rendering of a novel that had to be difficult to translate to film. I did find the music at times to be totally incongruous with what was happening onscreen, awesome soundtrack notwithstanding. (Thanks T-Rex. =)
My book challenge isn't going so well this year, probably because I seem to have less time to read and am tired all the time. I've also cut back on my TV viewing, so at the present time I have no idea what the latest hap is on Heroes, Supernatural, Psyche, or Ugly Betty. And I'm really not all that concerned.
If you wanna know where your flist has gone, they are all on FaceBook..or at least it seems that way. ::whistles innocently::
Grammar geek note: Last week I was accused of being a "gerund hater." :: Snort :: It's true, when proofing reviews, I tend to remove -ing verbs and replace them with straight present tense. But of all the things to be called...
A word to the stupid parents: Not to go all Bill Cosby on your ass, but if you name your child after a mixed drink or an alcoholic beverage, you may be are setting your child up for failure, or at the very least dooming them to a life of frequent employment issues. No one's gonna care that little "Daiquiri's" name is really pronounced "Duh - KWEERY." It's stupid, so please don't do it unless your family is rich as cream. And if you happen to be an adult with one of those unfortunate names, please have the sense to go with simply a first or first and middle initial and your last name on resumes. Give HR something to work with. Just saying...
And last, to finish out a pretty pointless post, how about a good old awesomely awesome 80s video. Timeless, poptastic, goodness:
"Think about it, there must be higher love....without it, life is wasted time..."