I'm a bad, bad writer completely dependant on my muses who refuse to even let me write short e-mails. As everyone else in this situation I have a few great excuses. Personal drama! Health issues! Alien attack! Sociopaths on the run! Okay, okay, three of these are true... I don't even have the motivation to keep up with my RL friends about which I feel very guilty. Till, I don't sort out a few things, I guess I'll be appearing and hiding at random. I had never managed to fix those skins I was working on I'm afraid - the neck is still weird. I have the files uploaded thus if anyone wants to play around with them, than knock yourselves out. I'm on my work laptop, but I have the .pdfs, Photoshop actions and project files at home if one of you feels masochistic enough ;) . It's a Pooklet/Leh/Old Free Texture Resource (it was a magazine which no longer exists) blend. Click here:
Morning Coffee - Custom Skins (discontinued and faulty) As for the game itself it de-stresses me - I'm still rebuilding Pleasantview and I have pics to prove it (yup, on my home PC :P)! I'm playing around with a few meshes, terrorising poor sims in a legacy and trying to plan a story. We'll see how that goes. Okay. Finishing.