
Jun 26, 2005 02:53

I ran across a very interesting statement and I am interested as to its validity. The statement people who have been abused as children (sexually and/or physically) almost always test as N's. This is by no means saying that being N is a result of being abused and that all Ns have, but rather a higher likelyhood of developing the N function in those who have been abused. I am interested to know if there are any N's here who have had this in their past, or anyone who knows people who have been abused and know what those people's types were. If you don't feel comfortable responding in a comment, feel free to email me at Ndarner@comcast.net

By the way! I am Nicole. I am an INFP with a low preference on the F and P functions. If anyone knows what Enneagram is, I am a 5w4 and scored rather strong in 7 as well. I also wanted to let you know that there are some interesting sites up all over the place, if you hadn't found them already.

There is a site dedicated to INTP's and friends of:

INFPs and friends of:

and my personal favorite where there is a relatively active chatroom
Intuitive Central, a place much like this-

Nice to meet you all!
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