I love This!!!

Jul 08, 2005 00:08

As you read yesterday was a bad day for me. SO, I made this little skit that I love so much! The two people who have previously read it dont like it cause its "mean". But I think its hilarious and I think Rudy will like it the most. So here it is for your reading "pleasure". My thoughts in action!

The Stupid Award

Announcer-" And the stupid award goes to; Erika M. Hernandez"

" Oh...Oh... Thats me, thats me!!!"

* runs down isle, stumbles once or twice. Leaps up pstairs and gets caught by last one. Falls and slides across stage*

" Tell her what she's won Johnny!"

"She's won a swift kick in the Ass!!! Many many times!"

* Crowd* Woooow!!!

" Um....Um... Gosh, I would just like to thank my family for always believing in me. Um, a special thatnks to all the assholes that I've met through out my life. I just want to thank you for all the shit you put me through and the shit storms to come!!! Thank YOu!!!"

* Kick*!!!!!
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