I realize everyone has been all caught up in this election business lately, but the whole while
_emilydickinson and I were planning our strategies, campaigning, and cat-fighting, something even more important was going on.
chad_horvath and
opheliablue were falling in love. ♥
I am pleased to announce that they are now ENGAGED to be MARRIED! The official engagement date is tomorrow:
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Comments 38
*dances gleefully*
*cries forever*
No, we will not be drawn any further on what we mean.
Oh how I love you, Anne :)
You could have knocked me down with a feather after reading this post, especially after dictating most of it to chad_horvath over the phone earlier - just kidding! ha
*prints out ring and gets it ready to wear*
Hmm..possibly the marriage date may have to change to be within the first 3 months of my visa...sorry, dear, I know that doesn't give you much time to decide whether you want to keep me or not, but there you go.
I think...maybe...oh well, April 3rd, that's another VERY IMPORTANT DAY (i.e. my birthday) or April Fool's Day - or or...something else.
Anne you ommitted to mention that everyone has 7 months to do the most important thing of all, that being to buy us presents. Ok, you may now have less time to do this, but even if that turns out to be the case, three months is pleeeeeeenty of time. I will be compiling a list which I will be MORE than happy to email to anyone who asks.
Don't worry, I'll get a registration worked up right away so no two people buy you the same gift. Do they have those in England? I just found out about them recently. Apparently, you tell the guests where to shop and they give their name and a gift from a list is automatically selected for them! It's a bit impersonal but you end up getting everything on the list if all your guests buy something.
Lessee... coffee maker, blender, silverware set, food dehydrator, tupperware containers... *wonders off bemusedly, talking to herself and scribbling madly into small notepad*
I believe the killer_snails will be helping me with the lists. You are in charge of the whole operation, though, because you are simply the best! Flatter flatter flatter ♥
just kidding. i am sososo happy for you.
Actually, I was thinking about something like a drive thru wedding in Vegas..haha.
I wanted June 16th just because it was the day that Ted and Sylvia got married - although I'd rather the marriage didn't turn out the same way ;)
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