Iconable/wallpaperable/etc, but credit is a must!
I should not be allowed to listen to the Rent soundtrack at 4AM. This happens! Claire is a HIV-positive junkie, Peter is a HIV-positive ex-junkie/musician, D. L. is the evil scum bag who wants to evict everyone because he's a daddy-in-law's boy, Simone and Niki are lesbians, Matt is a cameraman,
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OMG! Your RENT manip makes my life. It is made of absolute AWESOME!I love RENT, so picturing everybody as their respective character was totally fun!
Matt as Mark made me LOL. I'm not exactly sure why though:) I close my eyes and picture Grunberg doing Halloween and in some strange way, it makes me giggle. In a good way:)
Simone and Niki are the perfect choices for Maureen and Joanne. Tawny and Ali are gorgeous, and they look fabulous here. Your work on them is amazing! (And leaves me wanting Nik/Simone fic because I'm weird like that :))
DL as Benny= weeeee! (Taye Diggs is my boyfriend. Even though he does not yet know this *smiles* But Leonard Roberts looks fab!!!
Peter as Roger gets a thumbs up from me. Emo!twins. Roger's my favorite RENT character and Peter is among my fave Heroes charaters so yay! :)
Claire as Mimi... can I just say that I love the allusion to Paire here (whether it was intentional or unintentional) Fantastic.
Mohinder as Tom was another giggle for me, simply because when I look at the manip, I can actually see Sendhil as in JLM's shoes. I can see it and it's awesome!
Finally, OMFG! Nathan as Angel. I love you for this. Seriously. I love the allusion to Adrian Pasdar's role in Just Like a Woman (again, whether it was intentional or unintentional) It really brought the choice out and perfected it even more:)
Needless to say that I'm saving this and rec-ing it because it's made of awesome!
The Paire subtext was 100% intentional, but I never even heard of Adrian ever playing a woman until after I started making the manip (I took awhile, believe me). But yeah, that was a coincidence. I couldn't think of anyone to play Angel, so I just randomly chose Nathan. Then suddenly the Mohinder/Sylar!Nathan scenes in Five Years Gone came into my head.
I am so glad you like it. Rent is the greatest movie ever!
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