
Feb 11, 2005 20:09

hmm this week was gay... umm yesterday wednesday i spent the night at cassies...woke up.. got into a car accidnet... went back to sleep. Then i missed like the biggest game of the season...i felt bad but ehh. Today was gay school was ok then went to prac which was hell good thing it was our last practice. Hmm the hotel thing isn't going to happen o well some other time... but me lisa n kristyna are gonna party in her room. PARTY IN KRISTYNAS ROOM. then sunday going to see my Auntie Moe Moe LMFAO kristyna. then jus gettin prepared for another exciting week..not...


Kerfy56: omg i had this head ache for six days now.

Kerfy56: i mean my freaking mom was checking if i had cancer

LMAO LYL KERF                                                                                                       
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