Spn 5.11 and Merlin

Jan 27, 2010 20:47

I really fail at this Lj thing, don't post enough and sorry to every new and old friend that I haven't spoken too in a while. I tend to be a bit of a lurker and eh well haven't been around much due to RL. So far 2010 haven't started out in the best of ways for me but at least spn is back right?:)

Spn 5.11
I liked the new 5.11 episode well enough, it had some good moments but also some anvils and simplifications that I could have done without.
I'm just tired of the boys being on the outs and how the writers just seem to be rehashing the same old problems and patterns again and again with no progress in sight. Sam's sudden rage problem was not handled very well and of cause the guys wont talk to each other even though they really should know better by now. Lather, rinse, repeat. I'm a little meh by the whole thing at the moment.

Good things were how gorgeous Sam and Dean looked in their robes, Sam telling Dean he loves him, Sam's chest, Dean's small boy smile when he played against himself, Sam hulking out and throwing around the orderlies and Sam tied up.

Yeah shallowness is where I get my kicks when the canon and writing is as weak as it is pt. Don't even get me started on the whole pudding thing.*ugh*

Is it me or did the shrink doctor look exactly like Meg 2.0 and the monster of the week like a almost clone of Ruby 2.0 !?

Anyway I'm starting to work on my next spn vid, which is this Sam/Lucifer and Dean/Micheal thing that the lovely griva_x is the brainchild behind as usual. I soo need to get my hands on a good rip of the new Legion movie for this.

Among other fannish things I watched the new Sherlock Holmes movie and fell in lust and laughs;) Slashy goodness all around and for once I'm very much looking forward to the inevitable sequel.

And lastly I've been mainlining the first 2 seasons of Merlin at an probably unhealthy pace. Why I haven't gotten around to watch this show before now I don't know but consider me a very new member of the merlin/arthur fan club*g* Those guys are adorable and with tons and tons of slashy moments. I really like the show, it's fun, well made, don't take itself too seriously but still touching in a lot of ways. I love Merlin with his cute ears, chin and big eyes and Arthur's wicked mouth, broad shoulders and hair! My armor kink is so easy to indulge here too.*happy sigh*

I'm really hard to sell a new fandom to but I think Merlin have finally given me something new to enjoy and I can't wait to gouge myself on fics*g* Still very much in love with Spn but it'll be nice to have something so completely different to change between.

So dear flist, any good Merlin/arthur recs and comms?

PS. I've already started to pick out scenes to use in a Merlin slash vid, yeah predictable thy name is me. *facepalm*

merlin, spn

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