May 25, 2006 20:46
- Villanova's registration site because I cannot find the option to drop classes. So, I'm going to have to call the damn registrar tomorrow, like two days before the class starts, and ask how to do it or ask them to do it for me. I'm terrified. They're going to say I should have done this before but I've been TRYING, it's just HARD.
- I fell asleep during the Lost season finale (though I did catch almost all of Idol...Clay Aiken's hair wtf?) I intended to watch all of season 1 which I rented but I got through like, one episode because I have a short attention span.
So I just looked at this Lost connection chart that shows the relationships between the characters and I got so damn confused. I guess I'll finish watching the season 2 finale tonite (thank you!) and maybe I'll get it. I doubt it though. I shouldn't watch shows that are this difficult and require speculation.
- Nothing is on TV tonite because the season finales happened. Booo.
- Still mad at Villanova.
And Lost.
Yay I get to go back to Bryn Mawr tomorrow. Not yay to dragging more of my crap up three flights of stairs and maybe having to battle with confs to let me in the danged building. Then work. Yay for money.
I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
As an added bit of information for your pleasure, I just realized how bad I messed up my birth control. No babies. So prostitution is cancelled for awhile.