Congratulate me! I'm officially a SISTER of Alpha Xi Delta!!!!!! YAY!! *happy sisterhood danceeeeeeeee*
Que fun... Initiation was this weekend and after 12 hours of no sleep and good times-- we're all officially sisters. ;)
Congrats to all you wonderful ladies! <3
s u r v e y Monica
2. gender: Female
3. birthday: January 17th 1984
4. siblings: Only child baby! :)
5. hair color: Brown/Blond
6. eye color: Brown
7. shoe size: 7
8. height: 5'1''
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
1. who are your best friends?: Andy, Kim, & Cristina
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: Abercrombie
2. any tattoos or piercings: My ears are pierced. Tattoos are GROSS, thanks.
s p e c i f i c s
1. what kind of shampoo do you use?: Thermasilk.
2. what are you most scared of?: Death... life just ending. That's the worst.
3. who is the last person that called you?: One of my WONDERFUL AXiD sisters Jessica!!
4. where do you want to get married? At a pretty church and after a HUGE ass party at the Intercontinental downtown.
5. how many buddies are online right now?: My hubbie, 5 boys, 6 girls, and 6 AXiDs
6. what would you change about yourself?: My body, gross...estoy gorda. :P
f a v o r i t e s
1. color(s): Purpleeee and pink. Duh.
2. food: Hahahaha everything? No, seriously... shrimp and SALMON!
3. boys names: Armani, Javier, Christopher.
4. girls names: Natalia, Alexandria.
5. subjects in school: Art...the only fun one baby.
6. animals: None.
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: Yeah...but *NOT* the gross old people on a chair sponge bath thing. It was a lot better than that.
2. smoked? Never.
3. bungee jumped? Right now, buddy.
4. made yourself throw up?: Right after I bungeed.
5. skinny dipped?: Not yet? HAHA.
6: ever been in love?: You know it!!! I'm currently IN LOVEEEE <3
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? All the time.
8. pictured your crush naked?: I am right now. =O
9. actually seen your crush naked?: Mm-hmm. =X
10. cried for someone: Yeah.
12. fallen for your best friend?: A while ago. We all remember those years.
13. been rejected?: Yeah, fuckers.
14. rejected someone?: Haha, yeah... whatever.
15. used someone?: Not really. Maybe just a little.
16. done something you regret?: Your MOM. No, seriously... there are lots of little things I regret doing... but you change the past you can only learn from it.
c u r r e n t
clothes: Jock the Juniors Southwest and pink & brown Old Navy socks....and BASKEBALL SHORTSSSS bwahaha you thought I had no pants on.
music: None. I have the TV on. [ER]
make-up: None at the moment.
annoyance: That I have to wake up early tomorrow.
smell: clean air?
desktop picture: Carnival Triumph deck & ocean shot from my last cruise.
book you're reading: The Goal by E. Goldratt.
in cd player: Willy Chirino, DUHHH. lol
color of toenails: French.
l a s t | p e r s o n
you touched: Andres.
hugged: Andres.
you imed: Alyssa.
you yelled at: Andres. :(
you kissed: ANDRESSSSSSSSSS! ;-*
a r e | y o u
understanding: Sometimes...
open-minded: Not really.
arrogant: Sometimes, but only when I have reason to be.
insecure: About certain things.
interesting: Of course.
random: VERY!
hungry: Always.
smart: When I want to be.
moody: All the time, bitch.
hard working: If I'm motivated.
organized: Yeah.
healthy: "At all."
shy: Yeah.
difficult: ALWAYS.
attractive: You know you want me. ;]
Bored: Not really.
messy: Yeah.
responsible: Yeah.
obsessed: I can be. [Disney World, Coach stuff, and Andy. lol]
angry: A lot of the time.
w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a
kill: No one. <3
slap: Sooooo many people NEED to get slapped bro.
get really wasted with: Andy, Kim, Maurice and his friends -- AGAIN! lol
look like: Angelina Jolie just for Andy. *rimshot* because no.
talk to offline: Someone who could make me CRACK UP.
talk to online: ?
r a n d o m
in the morning i am: Fucking sleepy.
all i need is: My hubbie, my family, lots of money, swimming lessons, a new car, a vacation, some time off from work, an A in all my classes, maybe some more financial aid.
i dream about: Me and Andy's first home together... <3 No, like seriously.
o p p o s i t e | s e x or S A M E l S E X ..
what do you notice first: Smile...and hands?
last person you danced with: Andy last night!
worst question to ask: This is stupid.
makes you laugh the most: A good joke. What's this have to do with the opposite sex?
makes you smile: something sweet.
who do you have a crush on: My boyfriend much? ;)
d o | y o u | e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special?: No, Andy's always on.
wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: During cramps.
wish you were younger?: Always-- High School. <3
cry when someone tells you something that hurts: always. lol
n u m b e r o f
of times i have had my heart broken: for real broken ... twice.
of hearts i have broken: I dont know.
of guys ive kissed: Its in the teens.. I lost count. God bless private school boys. LoL!
of girls ive kissed: None.
of continents i have lived in: LIVED = 1. Visited = 2. YaY! lol
of tight friends: 3.
of cds i own: Like 8456234875634075602346 but they're all made by me.
of scars on my body: 2-- Danielle's light as a feather scrape from Ashley's slumber party and the stabbing with an Exacto-knife I did to myself last year.
I love the way this just ends.