Originally published at
Akuhei.nu. Please leave any
comments there.
It’s funny that since I had my last website I have been craving the opportunity to blog. Yet now that I can, I can’t ever think of anything to blog about! I suppose I will just talk shortly about what I do most- work!
I work in retail (clothing specifically) and I have so many things I would want to say about that but I also have to mind what I say due to the ease of employers finding things you say on the internet and potentially using them against you. I usually want to write about particularly nasty customers but instead I will share this short, humorous snippet of an actual exchange I had with a guest the other day!
Woman: Hi there, excuse me. Do you have that shirt with the Eiffel Tower on it?
Me: (thinking maybe our store hadn’t received it yet) Hmm, not that I know of. Is it new?
Woman: …. The Eiffel Tower?!?!
Me: …
Yep. I told her again that we didn’t have one and that I did in fact know the Eiffel Tower was not “new”. I meet a lot of interesting people in my line of work. Our store is located inside the mall in our city so we get all kinds of people from all walks of life.
For a while I thought of making a blog that various people could submit their own funny work stories on but then I found out about
Not Always Right.com. It’s essentially the same idea I had.. just already made and bigger. The only thing that annoys me about it is that you can tell 75% of the stories are made up just to get published (example a:
this one). Anyway, it really is quite a funny website for when you are having an off day or work was not much fun.
If you have a funny work story you would like to share with me, leave it in the comments. I look forward to hearing more!
(Photo Credit: