Front page and everything. I just had to share this with you guys. Fucking Marion. I hope that asshole rots. Here is the text of the e-mail I sent to him this morning.
I have held my tongue for some time, but your latest antic is unexcusable. You have every right to blast Rob and take him down in any way you happen to see fit. However, you need to keep in mind that the great "victim advocacy" you think you're providing is nothing but a headache and a great inconvenience to the innocent ones surrounding Rob. Your oh-so-timely comment on my article this morning proves that you are a heartless unfeeling individual who has no regard for any "victim" of this case (I, incidentally, am NOT a victim of Rob's in the sense you mean it.) So if you're going to crusade for burning Rob at the stake, could you at least stop putting yourself on an undeserved pedestal championing those affected by this situation? You tying me to him will do nothing but cause me worlds of needless inquiry and trouble. So next time you think you're doing someone a favor why don't you keep your mouth shut?