So my best friend left LJ today. It's so weird, how time flies and how things change. We used to be addicted to this site and made hundreds of comments a day. My posts used to be funny. That's been over for awhile now, and we've moved on to other things. Yes, Nick is gone from LJ, but I know I can go and email him over on my next tab. I suppose it's only a matter a time before you all leave LJ for good--how many friends have we known here that have already moved on? How long until I stop posting altogether? I can feel it drifting away from me already. So many people I used to know on here have left. Promise me, if you liked my posts and you liked me, that you'll keep in touch? My email address is open 24 hrs.
In memory of Nick, I give you my
Favorite Nomorescience moments
1. When he posted a photo of Karl Urban for the first time and said he was hot
2. He made a community (Janerocks?) because some people were mean to me
3. LJ Royale!
4. Making my kickass
lostjane headers and layouts.
5. Nick dressing up as Storm for my birthday. Okay, that was a rl moment but it was hilarious. Especially when Storm got drunk.
6. Nick's irrational hatred for Norman Reedus, and his irrational love for some little video game guy that rolled things up
7. Kennagate
8. Just being Nick.
9. All the friends I met through him. ♥
10. This. Because it's hilarious.
Bye Nomo! Catch you on the flipside!