Personal day! hell yes!

May 06, 2011 14:46

Cleaning strike worked out. Today I watched Fatman do ALL of the dishes and take care of the living room (except for vacuuming, because I just kind of vacuumed from my bedroom, down the stairs, and then did the living room because it's kind of continuous carpeting.

I cleaned and vacuumed my room so that I could make space to do Yoga, but when I said that, Fatman sounded a little interested. Then he announced he wanted to get in on it. I was very surprised. I've been trying to get someone to be my yoga partner forever, but everyone turns me down! We cleaned the living room and shoved the coffee table to the side to make room to do it together.

I need to do Yoga more because:
    I lift heavy things at work all the time without stretching and my back aches horribly, and yoga stretches it out completely and makes it feel so much better, in a way nothing else can match.
  • I am naturally EXTREMELY inflexible (I can rarely touch my toes) and yoga makes me extra flexy
  • I feel like it helps me learn how to streamline my movements, hello grace.
  • Balance improvement!
  • lately I've been having trouble sitting still, and running around like a madwoman with my mind in 8000 different places at once, yoga forces you to focus on one thing, your mind almost automatically clears. I need to be forced to slow down sometimes and center myself.
  • when I used to do it ALL the time I started getting the prettiest tummy ever.
  • ultimate stress relief and relaxation while forcing body and mind to work together.
  • it makes me happy and feel productive.
  • I love how light headed and high you can get, simply from breathing oxygen. Oh full lung capacity, you are not what you once were, but you still get the job done.

Doing yoga with fatman was a little strange at first, but seriously, he is one of the few people that I feel completely at ease around, completely myself. He is so accepting. He followed perfectly, and didn't mind that I didn't remember my whole routine that I usually do because I hadn't done it in months. We laughed a lot, and I am a firm believer that almost any activity can use a little laughter.


10 minutes until Hitchings gets home from work.

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