Dec 25, 2008 04:51
Merry Christmas!
The new boyfriend, Wes, joined my family for Christmas this year. Everything went off without a hitch. My family warmed up to him quickly, even Tom, who generally distances himself from new people, and Noah, who maintains a careful watch over the boys I date.
He came to the Christmas party my family attends every year, and every so often I glanced up and caught his gaze, and - lo and behold - there were the butterflies in my stomach that were just plain missing at first. Later, he bowed his head and stood, sat, and kneeled (knelt?) at midnight mass with my sister and me, sang Christmas carols dutifully, and squeezed my hand in disapproval when I couldn't for the life of me stop convulsing with the kind of laughter that only Catholic services can evoke.
At home, he hung out with me and my siblings, and got the insider's scoop on an evening with the Wanebos. It's a whole universe that Andrew, who dated me for close to two years, never witnessed. At the end of the night I walked him to his car and we drove to the hill at the top of my neighborhood, a "make-out point" of sorts where many of my boyfriends have been lured, and had sex in his car. After, he held me close and said he loved me. I told him I loved him too, and I meant it. Yes, Andrew still flurries in and out of my mind, and perhaps he always will, but I am 100 per cent devoted to Wes now. He is wonderful in the ways that count and the ways that last.
My parents even urged him to sleep over tonight - definitely a no-no for boyfriends. The non-Wes ones, anyway.