Dec 04, 2007 13:50
Spent last weekend in Edinburgh at the Senzala Scotland winter festival, which was good for me on so many levels.
Also got my results last week, distinction (72%!!!!11oneoneone) for my project (!) but not overall, sadly. Still quite pleased with it, and considering that another guy I know produced a writeup twice the length of mine got only slightly more I think I'm doing well =D
The Senzala festival was 3 days of maculele and capoeira in Edinburgh. Went with one of the guys from here who was previously in Edinburgh.
Error #1: I don't (didn't) know anybody in Edinburgh, he was there for 4 years so I was mostly on my own while he knew tons of people o__o
Arriving on Friday had a good start with a great maculele class and some good games. One game I ended up playing this girl who just kept trying to hit people and who tried to head-butt me whilst I was standing completely upright with no openings. NORMALLY, you'd try to butt someone to push them over when they're in hand stands or something. Weird girl. Pretty though. And her top kept slipping so she spent a lot of time trying to keep it up :\
Saturday: getting pushed off the couch by the dog of the guy we stayed with I didn't sleep much. Rather spoiled doggy that normally slept on the couch and was annoyed at the 2 random humans who invaded her territory meant I slept failed to sleep on the floor after being chased off harassed by the dog. Workshops for the day got cut very short as it started horrendously late (thanks to Brazilian timing). Night saw the mahoosive Brazilian party with a pretty good turnout. New to me was talking to random people (women) who seemed to be on their own. Which didn't turn out half as badly as I expected, having met a rather interesting/attractive Maltese girl early in the evening.
edit: I also got to play with contra-mestre casquinha and NOT TOTALLY SUCK. totally fun game. woo me.
Sunday: this did not go well having only got to sleep at 4 in the morning, though at least it was on a proper bed this time with no dogs to bother me. Workshops again started late, though my legs gave up at the end of the first one so it was something of a moot point for me.
All in all, reception of (decent) results + fairly fun weekend = Things Looking Up. Finally.