Nov 20, 2003 09:20
Beddestroyers was in the spotlight yesterday on! That was rad I'm proud of Allan (gutterska) & Luke(beddestroyers)! Yippppeeeee!!!!
Today is my lil sisters 15th Birthday!!! I love you Justine, you are so beautiful and amazing to me and the most fabulous Scorpio at that!
Already a great morning in the office! When I walked in Steve man from HomeBanc on the first floor had me a cup of french vanilla dunking donuts coffee and I did not even spill it on the way up to my floor! :) Success!
Can't wait for some Turkey salad yumm yummm next Thursday and of course the biggest shopping day ever! I want to go to Orlando for it but I have a hair appointment @3........
I'm audi 3000 have a gr8 day!