Nov 17, 2003 13:11
Saw the documentary last night and can not begin to express how amazing and inspirational he was. Such a determined individual with many great and truthful views on life. Tupac fan or not it is a must see and if you don't learn a thing or two from this then congratulations you truly are the most close-minded fuck! I just wrote my film class review on this movie and I must say it is one of my best so far for this class:) Hope the instructor feels the same!
~In other news I won Suzy circle cheeks on EBAY holy shit I am siked!
~In other other news HAPPY ONE DAY LATE BIRTHDAY ALLAN! Hope all is well in NY safe trip home okay!
~In other other ohter other news I am truly upset Edmund has become such a good friend to me and in the past 4 years of knowing this kid we have been through a bunch and now he is moving to Orlando. I was studying at Borders last night when he walked up behind me and hugged me from behind and then told me his shitty shitty news. You is my shopping partna fool now how is my homeboy gonna keep looking fly wihtout me???? He's not gonna, so that is why you need to stay here and besides you is my amigo when chatting bout men and the only guy I can tell who I boned:P haha and tell ya how it was, even funnier. I luve ya and know I'll see ya round cause yo family still lives here but hope ya get everything going for you and your music with this move. DO whatcha gotta do boy and good luck!
~In other other other news was asked to do another shoot with Michelle 4x5 chromes is what she is doing! Ps. If you read this call me with the 411 and I will let you know my schedule:)
Oh yeah must mention to the friday night crew had fun we all looked hella good and Cue Estey and Trouble Is good show fellas! I so took the pizza out my car the next morning made a nice in class snack.