
Mar 18, 2010 03:58

Name: Emilou Apache
Alias(es): N/A
Species: Hume
Chakra Element: Fire
Mist Mutation: Odd eyes; one is blue, one brown, hair colour atypical of her species.
Approx. Height: 5'2"
Eye Colour: The left is brown, the right is blue.
Hair Colour: Blue-black.
Distinguishing Features: A red ring around her left eye.
Nationality: Jyllandi.
City of Birth: Nagapur.
Birthdate: Ashleaf 15th
Esper: Cúchulainn, the Impure.
Education: High School.
Affiliations: Clan Skite, Clan Khamja, The Arrancar.
Main Class: Thief.
Sub Class: Ninja.
Other Learned Classes: N/A
Weapon(s): Two tiny spiked chakram-like knives.
Allowed Aeon: Allon.
Other Summons if Applicable: N/A
Zanpakuto If Applicable: Cierva (Command = Thrust)
Zanpakuto Spirit Form: A kind of Sleipnir type Hollow.
Limit Breaks:

⌘ Pyroclasm - An explosive Fire limit brought about by two balls of fire colliding for massive damage.
⌘ Intercession - A graceful and yet devastating dance-like limit that results in many balls of Non-Elemental energy and lots of explosions.
⌘ Strike Raid - Apache throws both of her weapons, the pair that makes up her Zanpakuto, and hits for physical and a combination of Fire and Non-Elemental damage.


♠ Emilou is the youngest child of the Apache family, a known group of nice-to-Humes but anti-Al Bhed and Selkie Clan.
♠ She left the group, severing all ties with her family and relocated to Luca for some time, before deciding to go to Archades, to join the Arrancar Project she'd heard about.
♠ Some time before leaving, she obtained the Apache family Aeon, which is in an undisclosed area of Spira and known only to that bloodline.
♠ In her Bankai release form, she gains the hooves and horns of her Hollow and her eyes match in colour. The red-ring around her left eye is matched by one on her right, also.