So last night was the final Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien. He ended it well by being funny and classy. And also with a whole lot of
ratings. NBC seriously made the wrong decision. I've alway thought Conan was the funniest of all the late night talk show hosts. I watched Late Night pretty consistently after I graduated from high school and could stay up that late. EW posted some of their favorite moments from his TTS
here.The velro Christmas tree clip made me literally cry from laughter. It's usually the skits that seem like they are gonna be totally lame that end up being hilarious.
I wish I could find the Old Time Baseball clip. Conan picked that as his favorite moment from Late Night and I have to agree. It is no longer on hulu. :(
And now that rp meme that was going around. I had this written out last night, but then LJ went and did the whole maintenance thing. Anyway, meme:
Where and when did you start RPing? Sunnydale Socks, seven years ago.
Do you RP anywhere other than LJ? Not at the moment.
Do you play in any public games? Yes, I play at
Do you prefer first-person comment spam or prose logging? Prose! Looking back at first person in the early days of FH makes me criiiinge.
What was the first character you ever played? Piper Halliwell.
Who's your favourite character to play now and why? Piper will always be my favorite. I won't lie. I look forward to FH events alumni can attend. But of my actives, I enjoy playing Ellie the most. It's amusing to play a totally powerless and normal person there.
What's the longest you've ever consistently played one character? Piper. Played her for two years at SS. Then at FH for over four.
What's your biggest RP pet peeve? I agree with those who say when people don't give much to work with. Just tagging with dialogue and no actions makes me think the other RPer isn't that interested. Same goes for tagging in without having the character engage mine at all.
Do you read RP secrets and the RP anon meme? Only if someone points something out to me. I don't seek it out.
If you've played in public before, do you prefer community based or journal based games? At FH, both comms and journals are used, and I am good with that.
Would you rather play with someone who's very very IC but a mediocre writer or someone who isn't always IC (but not terrible) and a great writer? I think I prefer someone who is a good writer because at least it won't be boring. However, if a character is too OOC, good writing won't be enough of a distraction from that. I guess I prefer a bit of both.
Do you have a "RP partner"? I have the most rp relationships with
tinylegacies, but I play with anyone who is willing.
Do you ever stalk any casts, games, or players? I do not stalk other games, but I admit to following threads of canonmates and characters who have close relationships with my characters.
In your opinion, which part of an app is the most difficult/annoying? The writing sample. I usually write the rest of the app first and then work on the sample a few days later after thinking about what I want to write.
Are you one of those people who has to customise their character's journal layout and userinfo? I do, though I've been slacking with my new character journals. I need to work on those.
What was your first game? Sunnydale Socks.
Are there any canons you avoid tagging characters from? Not really. I will play with anyone. Seriously.
Most memorable scene in any thread? There's so many. Piper meeting Chris and Wyatt, taking care of Veronica when she was drugged that one time, Summer stomping on the spider demon, lots of Vampverse stuff, and so many more.
Do you RP sex? Not usually. I am a fade to black kind of girl.
Do you play more males or females? Females! I just can't write males very well. Played a few male guest characters, though.
What won't you RP? Really smutty things? It makes me feel self-conscious.
Dressing rooms: yes or no? Nah.
Ever RPed a pairing? Yep. I've RP'd quite a few in different games. Only have two at the moment, though.
Favourite place to play: musebox, open posts, public games, private games? Public games.
Talking RP with someone else who plays your character: fun or awkward? I have talked to people who played the same character I was playing and it's mostly been fine. A long time ago (like beginning of FH), someone did IM me to tell me she was playing Piper elsewhere. I was able to determine she was being very OOC with her, so I really wanted that conversation to end.