Definition: The quality of being intolerant; refusal to allow to others the enjoyment of their opinions, chosen modes of worship, and the like; want of patience and forbearance; illiberality; bigotry; as, intolerance shown toward a religious sect.
I was watching some of the prop 8 ads on youtube, since I am not a California resident. The part I have bolded is one of the excuses people are giving for voting yes on prop 8. You know what is something I can't tolerate? Hypocrisy. I can't stand it. These people talk about having their religious rights taken away if gay marriage is allowed, but they have no problem wanting rights taken away from others just because they aren't deemed "proper" or "normal." It amazes me that people are praying and even fasting so that prop 8 is passed or that so much money is being spent on these ads.
Maybe it's because I was treated badly in the third grade because I had a disability and was "different." It was hard being eight-years-old and watching the other kids pretend to spray anything I touched because they were afraid my disability was contagious. Intolerance is not ever fun when you are at the receiving end of it. I just have no time for intolerance, especially when I have dear friends who would be affected negatively if prop 8 were to pass.
I don't live in California as I said, but I urge all my California friends to
vote no on prop 8. I know I'm pretty much preaching to the choir here as my friends from Cali are likely going to do just that, but I felt like speaking up about it. I wish I lived there right now just so I can add my own vote against it.