...what's another day or two. Or three.
This article pretty much sums up my feelings on the game being suspended last night. And seriously? Only in Philly would a World Series game be suspended for the first time ever due to weather. We really do have the worst sports luck in this town.
I seriously doubt the game will resume tonight. It's miserable outside today and the rain is not going to stop any time soon. Part of me hopes it is not resumed tonight because if it is, that means House will be postponed and I've been waiting since before the season premiere even started for this particular episode. Then again, this city has been waiting 25 years for a championship. There's no comparison. ;)
And tomorrow, it's apparently supposed to snow...WTF? All I want is a championship in this town. Is that really so much to ask for? *whimpers*
Now, I'm going to watch the shows I skipped last night.
will not resume tonight. Damn. This is crazy.