I wear a halo when you look at me and, standing from here, you wouldn't say so if you were me.

Apr 24, 2006 20:07


So much to say, it seems. A lot has happened between James and me. It was his birthday just recently, and what a birthday it was - Sirius did an excellent job on his party, though I do think he gave James a little too much to drink. He seemed off by the end of the night, and he spent the night out with his friends. I suppose that was for the best - I didn't really want to deal with a drunk boy, birthday or not.

So I just had to wait until the next day to give him his birthday present, a little pygmy owl he has so... interestingly named Princess Sassypants. Whatever floats his boat. It's a cute name, in any case. Oh, yes, and I let him take my shirt of... which almost went a little farther than it should have. I get the feeling James has done a lot more than I have, but I still feel comfortable with him. I trust him. He has always been honest with me, and he loves me. He told me that day, just felt it strongly and said it, and I was almost surprised. He's said it before, I know. But he hasn't said it since he's gotten to know me better, since we've been togehter. I said it back to him, though I was a little worried that maybe I shouldn't have, in case I was confusing something else for love. I would hate to say it only to realize that I didn't mean it. I'd hate to get his hopes up and then let him down. But I did mean it, and that's what matters.


God, it certainly has gotten cold around here. The castle is like an icebox or something, and it doesn't help that it's rather drafty. It certainly makes you grateful for the robes and scarves, I'll tell you that much. At least when it's this cold, it usually means snow, and snow is absolutely lovely. I wish we had snow days here, but I suppose it wouldn't make a fat lot of sense. No one has to get here from anywhere outside the castle, after all.

How has everyone been lately? Busy, I take it. I've been going out of my mind with all the work we've had to do lately, but somehow, I suppose I manage.

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