To audition or not to audition? That is the question!

May 09, 2011 23:15

I was surfing through facebook tonight and noticed that it's time for summer community theater auditions. Fountain Square Players are putting on "Oliver!" and I was really excited to audition...until I realized the auditions were tonight and tomorrow. I freaked out and ran through a song for about half an hour to try to prepare myself. I also read through about ten pages of my monologue book in a Cockney accent. But after a while I thought, I'm going to be really unprepared and nervous at putting everything together so fast. So do I really want to audition?

I've been in two community theater productions. I auditioned for a third, but when I got nothing but chorus, I decided against being in the show. I didn't feel like spending my nights doing nothing but sitting in the green room until it was time for the ensemble to rehearse. I was also really angry at the casting. It didn't make sense to me to cast a 19 year old male against a 40 year old female. It kills me that I can't even get good parts in community theater productions. It's COMMUNITY THEATER. If I can't get cast in that, there is no way I'm going to be cast in any major productions. That's been my philosophy so far anyway. May be a little skewed, but eh.

So now I'm in a very emo-ish mood and wish I could just stop feeling so down all the time. My counseling session went really well today so I don't know why I'm going downhill. I just want to feel NORMAL. Is that so much to ask?!

I suppose it is.
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