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Dec 30, 2010 10:17

Name: Dana
Personal LJ: lovexamination 
Contact Info: You have that already.
Other Characters Played: Japan | Axis Powers Hetalia (politerudeness )
Preferred Housing: Random please- but I would like to be placed in a house with at least one player character parent and at least two free child slots, if possible.

Character Name: Lambdadelta; no canon last name.
Character Series: Umineko No Naku Koro Ni.
Character Age: Unknown- she has probably lived for a very, very long time; a few thousand years a least. Physically, however, she appears to be a very young girl.
Background: Very, very little is actually known about Lambda's backstory before the events of Umineko. Since time works and flows differently in the world of witches, even though she's probably several thousands years old she could have been born at any time- she could have become a witch just two or three years before the actual timeline of Umineko, which is set in 1986. From the bits and pieces of information and hints that were given to us, it probably goes a bit like this;

There was a young human girl once, who became a witch, and that witch was a different person than her; that witch is Lambdadelta, though she may have had a different name back then, who knows? She probably had lots of fun as a witch and enjoyed her new life, even fighting in a game against another witch, as the Game Master. And then, she got trapped in a logic error.

It's nearly impossible to explain properly what exactly it is without tl;dr-ing so I'll just say this-- Lambda in canon refers to it as her "hell", which is a metaphor but not an exaggeration- she went through something truly, really terrible. A logic error is something no witch who got trapped in ever escaped, and Lambda spent what's probably thousands and thousands of years trying to escape; trying, working hard, failing and giving up, all over and over again. And no matter how many times she failed, she always stood up again and worked hard to escape her horrifying fate. With the determination, the certainty that she will absolute succeed and escape... she did it. She did what no witch has done before. It's probably this why she is the witch of certainty and the absolute. That's how she became one of the most powerful witches in the universe, if not the most powerful.

Despite this... she wasn't happy. She was left utterly broken and insane, the memories of the hell she spent in coming to haunt her every second. And how did she know she escaped? She would wonder, what if she's still there? What if this is all a delusion, a dream, of a mind that gave up and went completely insane a long, long time, hallucinating everything that happened, the escape, the becoming of a witch, out of sheer desperation? Lambdadelta had to make sure- she had to find a way to constantly make sure that this is all real. She had to keep herself busy and occupied, to keep the memories and the thoughts that she might be hallucinating everything from creeping back into her mind. This is why escaping boredom has become what's her probably her number one priority in life.

Lambdadelta at some point became a Voyager witch, a witch with the power to travel the multiverse- or, as it's called in Umineko, the sea of kakera. She probably traveled for hundreds or even a few thousands of years- her age is super ambiguous- entertaining herself, granting wishes of humans, or at least wishes that she considered worth her time. And during her travels, she stumbled upon a girl named Miyo Takano, granting her own wish- she used her magic of certainty to guarantee that the girl's efforts and hard work will all bear fruit. Essentially, it's thanks to Lambdadelta that the plot of Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni happened, or at least the endless cycle of death part- a combination of Miyo Takano's own actions and willpower and Lambdadelta's magic. Despite this, Takano's efforts failed in the end, and Rika Furude didn't die. But out of Rika Furude, a new witch was born- a witch named Bernkastel, known as The Witch of Miracles.

Lambdadelta and Bernkastel the new witch fought in another game, and Lamdabdelta lost to her... and since then, it's anyone's guess what the hell happened between them. It's implied that Higurashi was the game they fought in and that Bernkastel was born out of that game, while the actual game master was Bernkastel's apparent teacher/mentor Featherine Augustus Aurora, but nothing has been really confirmed or stated and it never will be explain since Ryukishi is... like that. Anyway, something must've happened between Lambdadelta and Benkastel, and they developed their strange, weird relationship they have today before they split up and each went off on their own, both of them Voyager Witches, traveling the multiverse independently. During their travels they met up several times, had fun, did their thing and split up again. Rinse, repeat.

One day, during her wish-granting travels, Lambdadelta met a child who managed to catch her eye and interest her like nobody else did since Miyo Takano- and who wanted "to be acknowledged as a witch by another great witch". That child impressed and intrigued Lambdadelta for many reasons, and Lambdadelta agreed to promote and become the kid's guardian, creating a new witch. That witch was Beatrice, the Golden Witch, who presented her with an impressive game board and magical compendium, effectively beginning the plot of Umineko.

Personality:  Simply put, Lambdadelta is a Magical Lesbian Loli Psychotic Neutral Yandere Troll. Yep.

Okay, no. Let’s start over.

Lambda is a very, very complicated character, however. On the surface, Lambdadelta doesn’t live up to her reputation as one of the most powerful witches in the universe. She’s extremely childish and immature- she whines and complains when things don’t go her way, she states the obvious and calls it a “super special secret”, she’s childishly impatient and spoiled; even her intelligence is questionable, as she says things like how her paper can win against scissors in a game of rock-paper-scissors if it’s super paper “which is even more awesome than paper”, she doesn’t seem to get sarcasm, she throws tantrums, and she’s incredibly naïve. She loves to tease and belittle others, in a very bratty and immature manner, and similarly, she loves to brag about her own power and superiority- which comes off as more conceited and overly proud than anything. Though she is indeed powerful and though she is said to have lived for over a thousand years- this doesn’t show at all with her behavior, which is more suitable for a kindergartner than anything.

But this is all purely an act.

In reality, Lambdadelta is incredibly powerful and extremely dangerous when trifled with. She puts up an act of innocence until a certain point- until you cross a certain line- then, she will not hesitate to put you back into your place, to threaten you, and to carry out her threats. Lambda can be truly terrifying when she gets serious. She is absolutely not one to be taken lightly, as she’s more than aware of her abilities and power, and is extremely proud, but for a good reason- and she will make sure to remind others of this. And Lambdadelta is a bully, and she loves to tease and belittle and make fun of anyone, regardless of who it may be, from being irritatingly indirect when speaking to others and leaving them confused and pondering over her words and whatever she could mean, to pushing their buttons and hitting their most sensitive spots. Generally, she’s very playfully cruel and sadistic- or, she is what you’d call a troll.

And yet- Lambdadelta is not as heartless as you’d think she is at first. Once you get to know her, you realize that she’s really not evil in itself. Compared to her best friend and lover Bernkastel (see below), Lambda has more morals, if just a bit, and she can be genuinely forgiving and kind at very rare times. In particular, once she takes the neutral role of an impartial judge in the sixth game, she starts treating both the Battler and his allies with a surprising amount of sympathy, and even helped them out and gave a little advice when she could- contrast her merciless bullying and cruel treatment in the previous game, especially Battler, where they were her opponents.

Lambdadelta is an excellent example of a Chaotic Netural- she isn't really on anyone's side. In the fifth game she spends most of the time heavily on Bernkastel and Erika's side, supporting them in every way and yet she greatly helps Battler in the end when he comes back in his fight against Erika and Dlanor, and not only appoints him Game Master, she is the one who proclaims him as the Endless Sorcerer and the territory lord- and even mocks and trolls both Erika and Bernkastel about it; "Too bad, Erika. .........Just when you were finally appointed as the territory lord of this Fragment, you've been deprived of that title. The new territory lord of this Fragment is Ushiromiya Battler. ......*giggle*, is it awful? Hey, hey, don't you feel just awful?! How's it feel to be deprived of that title just when you'd finally gotten it?! How's it feel?!" "*giggle*, I'll bet you don't want to believe it, right, Bern?!"

It is said that Lambdadelta is the embodiment of the concept that “hard workers are rewarded”, the Witch Of Certainty, who spends thousands of years traveling the multiverse, granting wishes of humans. Although she is quite picky about the wishes she will grant and her standards for a good wish are high, it is said that humans greatly respect her and her power, and those who can please and appeal to her are able to receive her smile. She is ready to listen to humans and their wishes, and she can be kind to those who she believes truly deserve it.

One of the most important parts of her characterization is the fact that she is a survivor- at one point in her life as a witch, Lambdadelta was thrown into a logic error- simply put, it’s a certain type of hell that no witch has ever escaped. She has probably spent a thousand years in there, trying to escape and failing, rising up again and trying again, and falling- over and over and over. With the hope that kept her from giving up for real and with the determination and willpower that her hard work will be rewarded with escape, she succeeded- but not before becoming mentally and emotionally utterly broken, even insane.

Lambdadelta’s greatest fear is the thought that she is still in there- that everything that happened until now is a delusion of a mind that went insane along time ago. When it gets quiet, when she is bored and alone and not doing anything, the memories of that hell come to her again. And to keep that from happening, she needs to constantly make sure and feel that everything that is happening is real. Bernkastel has said that boredom is a witch’s greatest poison, after all. This is probably one of the most important reasons for her cruelty- though, probably not the only. She says that by throwing others into hell, she and Bern can assure that others are the one in hell and not themselves.

Which bring me to the next point- another important part of Lambdadelta's character is her relationship with Bernkastel. Bern is like Lambda in many ways; coldly and playfully cruel, and a real troll, but without Lambda's good qualities and rare moments of genuine kindness. And like Lambda, she, too, is a survivor or a similar hell, but something even more horrible than what Lambda went through. This is the basis of their relationship- they are the only ones who can understand each other in that regard.

They have an odd relationship to say the least- Lambda explicitly adores and loves Bern, and she also knows and understands her more than well, but she is a sadist and she more than enjoys seeing her suffer- she proposes a “punishment game” which involves locking her inside a castle, and burying her to death in gems. She acts like a stalker towards her, says that she wants to gouge out Bern’s eyes “so that you can see no one other than me” and dunk them in black tea, she wants to make her surrender by metaphorically locking her up in a bird cage for eternity and “train you that you can do nothing but cry in the palm of my hand”, she enjoys both seeing Bern angry and making all sorts of ugly faces and the thought of her getting tortured in various ways. This is where the 'Yandere' part of her personality comes from, as Lambda is obviously not entirely sane. And when they're not trolling each other, they're doing it to others. The feeling seems to be mutual with Bern, but it’s hard to say. Basically, they are friends, enemies, lovers, trolling buddies, and playthings to each other at the same time (and in addition, you could say that Lambda is Bernkastel's better counterpart, if only a little) all for the purpose of starving off boredom. Essentially, that is Lambda’s ultimate goal and her true intention in everything she does- starving off boredom.

Lambdadelta is also an actress, as she said herself, and it's true; sometimes, even around people who know what she’s truly like, she occasionally puts up her innocent and stupid act, just for fun. She’s playful, mischievous, fond of pranks and the like, a bit flamboyant and likes to joke around and can be friendly in her own weird way, but she’s a cruel bully and troll more often than not, because it’s fun. She knows when to get serious, however. Basically, Lambdadelta is a child- a cruel child, more than anything else, wants to have as much fun as possible.

Abilities: Lambda is, to say the least, powerful. Really fucking powerful. First off, she is a witch, granting her access to really basic forms of magic- with which she can do anything she wants to, being a witch of a very high level. There are abilities she will be able to use in Mayfield, and some she will not. Abilities she might be able to regain in Mayfield are;

≫ Certainty: Lambda’s major power and her defining power; the the power to cause anything event she wants to certainly happen, with a 100% percent chance, with absolute certainty, provided that whoever is responsibly for making it happen does not give up. If they do but try again after giving up, her magic guarantees a successful result, no matter how difficult it will be to reach it. She has the power to guarantee that hard work will get rewarded, as well as for other events to happen, such as when she uses it to make sure that Beatrice won’t ever win in her game with Battler. As an extension, she can kill someone absolutely and without fail. She also uses this power to grant wishes.

≫ Immortality: Simply put, Lambda is immortal and cannot really die physically. However, in the world of witches, who exist on a higher plane, a witch dies when she has stopped thinking and lost the will to keep living. This is one of the reasons that boredom is a poison for a witch. A witch can only ‘really’ die for real when she has her existence denied.

≫ The Red Truth: In Umineko, witches, magical beings, humans granted this power by magical beings, and the like, have the power to say things in red text. Anything said in red is the truth. However, it is not the absolute truth as you can use wordplay and the like to deceive it. The Red Truth can also be used as a weapon during debate. It seems that she can also use the Blue Truth- anything said in blue is true unless denied by the Red. The blue is generally used for hypotheses and theories.

≫ Voice Changing: Lambdadelta has the ability to perfectly, flawlessly change and disguise her voice.

And some she won't be able to regain or use in Mayfield;

≫ Traveling worlds: In When They Cry, a universe is called a kakera; literally, this means “fragment” or shard or something of the like, and the multiverse is referred to as “the sea of kakera”. Lambda is a special type of witch- she is a Voyager, which means she has the power to travel the sea, from kakera to kakera, freely and easily.

≫ Summoning Furniture: In Umineko, “furniture” are magical supernatural minions made for the purpose of serving witches. They are summoned by a witch, and enter a contract with her. Unlike Pieces, which are pawn specifically made for participating in a game, furniture are more servants than anything.

≫ Game Boards: Witches have the power to play ‘games’ and create ‘game boards’ for the purpose of it. It’s like a human chess game in a way. A game involves two people playing against another by taking a certain section of a place and separating it from the rest of the world, the events of a certain amount of time, whether it’s a week, a month, or two days, repeating endlessly until a certain condition is met- such as murders happening for the duration of two days and repeating over and over until either the true killer is found, or the one playing against the Game Master surrenders and gives up on trying. The Game Master is the one who created the game board, as the one who is completely and entirely in control of it- from the events to the actions, thoughts and feeling of the pieces- the humans in the game board. The Meta-World is also use in games for observation of the events.

≫ Game Pieces: Basically, Witches have the power to create what are basically human chess pieces, to participate in games and serve them.

≫ Meta-World: The Meta-World is essentially what it's called; it would be most accurate to describe it as a higher plane of existence, or a different dimension. Lambda has the power to enter it at any time for any kakera.

Sample Entry: A dear_mun post and a musebox post.

Λ application, Λ ooc

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