Dec 09, 2012 15:33
Because of a series of threat letters, doujin events and such having Kuroko no Basuke things have been cancelled. Comiket 83 has prohibited all Kuroko no Basuke-related circles from participating. Jump Festa 2012 has cancelled the Kuroko no Basuke Super Stage event and all exhibits and the sale of goods have been cancelled.
It angers me that this has been going on for months and that people would be so low as to write threat letters that cause fear, limits the success of a series, and makes it hard for fans to contribute to and enjoy the fandom. WTF PEOPLE.
>_< Seriously, I was so excited to be going to both events for KnB and I know the fanbase there is upset about the cancellations too. I'll be hitting up K-Books and Animate pronto when I get there since they'll still have stuff and I want to support them. *siiiiiiigghhhh* I hope they get to the end of this soon.
kuroko no basuke,