Happy 22nd Birthday Massu!!!
I hope that it was a wonderful day
filled with love and joy with
your family and your friends.
Keep on smiling that
beautiful smile and singing
with that wonderful
voice :)
Tonight I had band rehearsal and it was the director's birthday (she turned 55! Fyi - she was also my 5th/6th grade band teacher). She was away for part of rehearsal because of parent/teacher conferences so we had plans to all play Happy Birthday in the key of Bb concert when she showed up and gave us the downbeat of the first song she wanted to rehearse.
Well, she showed up way later than she wanted to and we had rehearsed almost all of the songs except two and another song that we skipped the middle 3 movements. So she chooses a piece where only the flutes and clarinets come in at the beginning with this light, happy skippy type tune lol... but we all waited to put our instruments up at the last second so that it wasn't obvious... and the SHOCK on her face when it was Happy Birthday instead was just priceless! There's a video - will post a link when it gets shared by that person.
Mostly Happy Birthday... at the "Happy Birthday Dear _____", some peoples "play by ear" skills went out the window - mine included. Five semesters of aural comprehension has definitely drained out of my system if it can't figure out Happy Birthday. But then again, that was figuring out the song by writing it down on staff paper... I couldn't coordinate it with my instrument on the fly. Aural comprehension was my arch nemesis during university. *shakes Tarundoru Bat at it*
Also, +1000 words exactly after my latest post today. WHOO!!! The end is in sight for Ch. 2!!! And the 65% mark for Ch. 9!