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petitefee24 December 27 2011, 02:06:08 UTC
I'm such a lame Kouki fan, I missed his b*day but now you're legal love and i won't go to jail... >_> and you should see him in the Amuse productions, fuck he's so awesome *.*

Shirotan is so much love isn't it?

And asghdgjfgkjaghljghkwhjjd *dies* and kanechan is always smiley when Massu's around. Massu sooooo needs to be guest at one GiriGiri


absolutehymn007 December 27 2011, 02:56:02 UTC
You're fine. I missed his b-day too (his was on the 20th... I was cram-writing for the Secret Santa exchange). Usually when I miss them, I put them on the next birthday post. Do you know where the Amuse productions are on LJ? I'm so busy all of the time that I just miss things or don't follow too closely unless they appear right in front of me. -.-

*hugs Kouki and Shirota* They both really are a lot of love! Shirota just won me over immediately (I was Dream Live 3rd first).

*brings you back to life* LOL!!! Kane is always smiley in general, but yes you are right, he is more smiley when he's around Massu. I vote on both Ouji and Massu being guests at Giri Giri. IT WOULD BE AWESOME.

PS - I don't have any pressing commitments so I can read what you wanted me to earlier.


petitefee24 December 27 2011, 03:24:50 UTC
Around Massu and around Genki <3~ OH PLEASE YES!

You can find the Amuse stuff in how_amusing. You'll love them!!! They're awesome and lovely and hilarious, they're from Amuse after all XD.

Kouki in B&W made me totally fall in love with him, he plays a sexy kinda-of-evil angel leader XD [and in that one Uehara Takuya (Kenya A),Yanagisawa Takahiko (1st season Mumorachi XD), Sakurada Dori(3rd Ryoma), Koseki Yuta (6th Kikumaru <3), and Hirano Kinari (2nd season Kamio <3~) appear as well].

Oh cool, I'll pm now then ;D


absolutehymn007 December 27 2011, 03:37:56 UTC
It brought up a journal with no entries. Did you get me the right link?

I will totally look for B&W first! I love sexy kinda-of-evil angel leader type characters!!!!


petitefee24 December 27 2011, 03:45:32 UTC
Pffff gomen! how_amuseing, and for the english subbed version takuyafsplus


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