NaNoWriMo Update #1

Nov 05, 2011 04:34

Yes, I seem to be out for writing challenge CONQUEST. This the word count after 2 and a half chapters. I really didn't think I would be going this fast actually, but I have some other things I need to get to so I'm sure it's more of me trying to get it done quickly to free up some time later in the month. I'm so happy ^^ Kane the Motivator really works wonders! (See previous entry for the Kane the Motivator collage of motivation/incentives XD) (Fyi - that entry is friends locked.)

I wanted to celebrate the 10,000 mark by doing something not related to writing. I saw these three pictures I had cropped out of an article with Massu and Kane playing tennis (well, they're not really in these pictures lol) so I quickly created a simple background and put it together. It was much needed amusement.

Click to make bigger.

humor, kanesaki kentarou, masuda toshiki, nanowrimo 2011, photoshop

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