Played video games. Played in Photoshop. Now chatting with friends online. Productive day? For the most part lol. Just need to get some of that fanfiction done!!
I did play some tennis today. It's nice to be able to play once or twice a week (I have been for most of the last year except marching band season). And it wasn't too hot today either (lucky!). Took a while to warm up compared to the few last weeks, but once we got going, we got going. The brother gave me an idea for how to stand correctly for a serve, and you know what, that little change helped a ton! I've always been able to serve in the box w/o a ton of power (better than a double fault!), but we've been working to add some power. So yes, I hit a massively powerful serve right on the corner of the middle of the court. YES!!!! The fastest one yet!
Finally, the weakest part of my game is getting somewhere. ^^
Oh, and yeah, more screenshots. These all relate to each other like a chronological story.