Title: As the Pieces Fall Together
Writer: KeigoAtobe007 (me)
Word Count: 48,000-50,000
Pairing: Yanagi/Yagyuu; Niou/Yagyuu
Rating: PG-13 (R-ish for implied adult themes in later chapters)
Warnings: Chapter 12 is more detailed than implied in the realm of adult themes, but not by an a large amount.
Summary: Yagyuu wakes up one morning feeling unwell and is unable to go to school. Niou decides to do something for him, but was not expecting to end up in a situation where he had to make a complicated decision. Platinum Pair POV.
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis or any of the characters related to it. They all belong to Konomi Takeshi.
Author's Note: First fic I have ever finished and I wanted to share it on LJ as well. ^^
Chapter 1 -
A Brilliant PlanChapter 2 -
Suspicious FeelingsChapter 3 - Revelation
Chapter 4 - Confrontation
Chapter 5 - Acceptance
Chapter 6 - Fire and Ice
Chapter 7 - Broken
Chapter 8 - Heavy Rain
Chapter 9 - A Dangerous Game
Chapter 10 - Letting Go
Chapter 11 - Uncertainty
Chapter 12 - True Desires
One of these days I will add the other links. For now, please read the rest on ff.net