
Oct 14, 2011 00:10

Seeing as I've been spending the last 20 minutes trying to beat my Bejeweled score instead of sleeping when I am very tired this must be bugging me.

Earlier today I had posted on FB that Milano cookies and Yoplait Blueberry Patch yogurt were not that bad together (yes, I dunked them--i like to weird people out sometimes). One of the comments was from the my brothers wife who we recently found out wad pregnant. Her comment was basically "what are you Prego 'cause I'm not even that bad?". I responded in my well know wise ass way of "nope, as far as I know I am not a canned pasta sauce" which I thought was kinda funny. Well she came back and point out that it's a glass jar and not a can. Once again me being me went to Wiki to find the definition of canning which I found as "Canning is a method of preserving food in which the food contents are processed and sealed in an airtight container." I explained that I thought my comment was justified an here is where she apparently flipped. She proceeded to comment that I should F-off and go take it up the butt--now of course she immediately posted a follow up comment that she's hot and prejudge (pregnant but she had an autocorrect issue which she also fixed) but I was seriously in shock. Do all pregnant people just immediately blame mood swings or whatnot on being pregnant and of course the big question how much is truthful and actually to be blamed on the hormones and what is actually them being them and after the fact blaming it on their condition? Well I almost said something along the lines that the mood swings had apparently started but instead chose to say that prejudge is sort of right and even more so when they have a second and she has to break up arguments between the kids or her husband--my brother. This apparently went too far as later my Brother decided to post something about him not wanting to hear all this crap and I better not upset her cause she's pregnant and uncomfortable blah blah blah. Once again shock! WTF?!!! This was my FB post which neither of them had to comment on and all I was doing was having fun with and they have to pull this shit? Well I was really PO'd and Brent knew I was so he decided to post something that this wasn't really the forum to post said comments and that they had upset us--so to prevent any fallout from this I deleted the entire post which had a few comments from other friends on it. I'm sure I will be questioned on if they read what my lovely brother and sister had to say.

I'm not really sure what the hell I should feel. I mean yes she is pregnant but come on you can still control yourself right? Especially if you have to type something out and the post I don't know but I have decided for her birthday at the end of this month I am sending a book on canning. Is that childish of me? :P

I think I will now head to bed.

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