Would You Rather...Eat your arm...or your Friend?

Nov 24, 2005 17:23

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

So had dinner with the family. It was really really good. Mom decided to smoke the turkey this year. DAMN was it GOOD!!!
Everything was actually. Mike (my sister Kim's boyfriend) made a great family stuffing. Everything was perfect and fun.
Though when we started to say what we were thank-full for...I really didn't want to say anything...but I am thank-full that my family and everyone is healthy and was here today...of course I wished that Phill was still with me too but I am thank-full for what we experienced the last 9 months.

So after dinner we started to play a few games. Just have some fun. So one of the games is "Would You Rather"...at one point I had to invent a question, a two ended question to see if people wouldn't unanimously go for one part of the question rather than the other. The question I posed was:

"Would you rather...have a situation that needed you to chew/gnaw off your own arm to save your life OR have a situation that you would have to eat your best friend to survive?" Now I didn't say that the friend was dead already or anything like that...just would you or could you either eat off your own arm...or just eat your friend.

So I wasn't really sure about what was going to happen and to Mike and my own surprise everyone that was playing except Mike said they'd rather EAT their own FRIEND!!! We were like..okay we're gonna leave now..cause if you'd eat your own friend...we are sooooo in trouble in this room. LOL. So I'd thought I'd share that.

What would you do in a situtation like that? Would you eat your own arm or your best friend?
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving!!
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