Nov 17, 2007 22:59
I guess 10 hours of sleep isn't enough. I went to bed Friday night at midnight (seeing as my eyes were droopy could hardly keep them open) and wake up the next morning at 10. Ugh. I still feel so tired.
I went to work and even there my mind was a mess. I was forgetting sizes, scrambling numbers around. Man, it was bad. Thank gawd it was only a 4 hour shift.
I work tomorrow too from 2 to 6. I swear, I hate my hours this weekend; they hit dead center in my day so that I can't do anything. It's funny though...because I start at 2 tomorrow my mom's forcing me to come to church. See, there's this ongoing joke that my mom and step dad want to 'convert me'. XD
I cleaned my room thoroughly earlier today. Pretty proud. I also got around to making more icons. I'm really proud of this batch and am actually thinking of posting them in some of the communities I'm in. =P