Oh where, oh where has my little dog gone? =0

May 30, 2007 17:00

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who commented on my last post for helping.  It means alot to me that there are people out there who care if I'm happy or not.  I know I've been having a hard time here but I've only got like what? 37 or so days left.  That's nothing compared to the grand total of 321-ish days I'm supposed to be here for.  I'm just gonna have to suck it up and do my best this last month.

Then once I'm home...oh, what I joyous day that will be. =D

Well, due to my host family problems I haven't really updated on anything else.  I forgot to mention anything about the 球技大会(kyuugitaikai) which is basically (in English) game meeting...yeah, I don't get it either.  It's basically like track and field except for the girls play either dodgeball or volleyball and the guys are stuck playing soccer.  All 3 are tournaments and every class is divided in to their own teams.  It's basically a competition on which class is best.  I'm stuck in dodgeball (I'm a hardcore volleyball fan).  Anyways, today that was supposed to take place but due to a huge ass rain storm, we were all stuck inside with regular classes and the sports day will be postponed until Tuesday.

Now moving onto my test results from last week.  I've gotten back one Japanese test and all my English tests.  The others...well, we have yet to have that class so until then, we don't have them.  The English tests were alright seeing as I didn't study at all.  Furuta's 'last century' English was once again...horrible.  I got something like 68 out of 100....that shows you right there that it's bad English that I never use.  For one, even if we fill in the proper English, Furuta doesn't seem to know other ways to say the same thing.  The Japanese test however, I got a pretty good mark.  I think it was 89-ish out of 100.  Garrett got 87-ish.  Actually, this time around I didn better than him on a lot of the tests.  This who time (since September when we first got here) it's always been a huge competition between us on absolutely anything; it makes things more fun, but that's what we say anyways.  On absolutely anything, whoever does better, gets 'gloating' rights.  XD

Anywho, that's the big events that have been happening so far.  My mom gave me more money so I need to go shopping this weekend.  I am soooo desperately in need of new summer clothes; I guess I've gotten taller or something because none of them fit me anymore.

japan, money, tests, school

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