May 14, 2007 13:05
Well first, here's my update on USJ. Okay, well the first half was very bad. I ended up not talking very much and immediately my host mom was on 'ignore Lesa' mode. It hurt so the it made USJ that much more horrible. The rides were alright and the waiting lines for those rides weren't long at all (the most was about half an hour).
So it's about 1pm now and we ride the Spiderman attraction. Afterwards we went to the Spiderman gift shop and something inside of me changed. It could've been from the magic of Spiderman and the things I bought (I love the Spider dude) or something but after that I talked more. Eventually my host mom talked back and the last half of the USJ day turned out alright. I bought my friends, Yui and Yuka, their presents seeing as their birthdays are also coming up. Also bought my host mom something small for mother's day.
We rode the Shinkansen there and back and I'm always amazed how short that train cuts the trip down. My friend, Garrett, rode the Shinkansen to Kyoto (for some random day trip with other Rotarians) and it was only a half an hour from Nagoya. The trip to Osaka was about an hour and the trip to Tokyo when I rode the said train lsat January was only 2 hours.
Now onto my update of how school was on...Sunday. It was an alright day at school; I was abnormally social that day. It was hard for me to wake up though seeing as my brain is used to 2 days in a weekend. I figured out why they moved Monday's school onto Sunday though: the PTA meeting was on Sunday because parents work on Monday mostly. Seeing as this is a Private school the parents came in and sat in one of our classes: English. It was weird because they were all sitting directly behind me (I sit in the back of the class) so it was hard to focus.
Sadly though, when I got back home my host mom and host sister were being 'close' again so I didn't talk with either of them very much. It sucks; we had a good day at USJ (half of it anyway) and then I'm gone and when I come back it's right back to where it started. I'm tired of this and it's hard to keep it up.
Other than that, I talked with my Mom and wished her a happy mother's day. I guess we got a new kitten. We got one before I left which we named Theo. I guess this new cat is Theo's niece? Cute huh? She's a little black ball of fur and listening to her meow on the webcam made me want to squeeze her and hug her to bits. I also learned that Aiko wants to stay with my family a bit longer because of July 1st (Canada Day). So I'll have to change my ticket again to probably July 7th because Aiko wants to be here when we meet so she can take me places. I also hear my host family wants to take us all to Disney Sea when she gets back so I have to be here too.
That's my update for now. I'm experiencing my 'Monday disguised as Sunday' right now so I'm cruising around online for a bit longer until my host dad gets home from work around 4pm.
host mom,