Well, I have nothing interesting to update you on so...oh wait, one random thing happened this morning: I threw up. Yeah, it was random and it hasn't happened for awhile, but I woke up to that familiar queasy feeling and the rest is history. It was only once so I supposed it was just something I ate? Either way, it woke me up and made me really cautious of eating and whatnot.
Also, I found out today (actually, I knew for awhile now) that I obsess way too easily. It's sick and scary really. I find something I like and obsess over it and become addicted to it for awhile; it never leaves my mind, I can't stop 'doing' it more, whatever the case. It's kinda scary and I wonder if this characteristic will give me problems in the future. I realize I come from a family of addicts (drugs, alcohol, etc) but I know that I have a good head on my shoulders and I'm smart enough to say 'no'; no worries there. But my ossesiveness has already shown up on one occasion and 'ruined' my life for awhile.
Besides all that, I found an interesting quiz from
cornerofmadness . It was pretty accurate (if you answer truthfully) so I wanted to share it with you all if you're willing.
Read my VisualDNA™
Get your own VisualDNA™ If it doesn't show up properly then just click to read my results if you really want to know them...if not, then just take the quiz yourself. *shrugs* LJ's hating me right now so links and whatnot haven't been working for me lately.