Here's a quick list of my past in a nut shell!!
- Midterms!! Yeah.
- I'm sitting here listening to Christmas music....don't judge. Bing Crosby's the shit.
- I'm super busy but you probably guessed that since I haven't been online other than to check my f-list.
- I've become kinda super addicted to Soul Eater finally....and before you say anything Zoe, I know: I should've obsessed on this manga a long time ago. ;)
- Media fast is still a go! About 40 days left of this lack of 'entertainment'. Surprisingly not killing me more than it is my friends who feel the need to keep up-to-date in my life at every given moment
- Philosophy midterm tomorrow might be the death of me. If I get a chance I'll update on how that went.
- Course selection's coming up in a couple weeks and this time of the semester always makes me question my purpose in life!! GAH!! I'm going in for my teaching degree but what I want to teach is still up for debate. So far I know I want to teach Math but the other one keeps switching around. It's at History right now but I just left a conversation with a friend that might've convinced me to become a Drama teacher. Not sure, we'll see.
So life's going on as usual. Just wanted to update so you guys don't feel like you're missing too much....