Nov 21, 2009 16:56
I've never felt this sad about getting a call from my manager saying I didn't have to come in today before. I usually felt happy because that meant I got more time for myself, etc. But this is like the second time this week and I'm actually stressed about this. Less shifts means less income meaning less money for my tuition and spending stuff I get. Ah, the joys of being an adult now. This money situation sucks. I only have like $400 in the bank still. It's going to go away real soon if I don't get more shifts. Ugh, working at an ice cream during the winter sucks. D:
That and I suck at writing thesis' and conclusions. History paper due Monday and I'm still writing it. Hopefully I can finish it tonight and edit the heck out of it all day tomorrow. *fingers crossed*
writer's block,