Reading 'Life of Pi'!

May 06, 2009 21:10

I've worked for the past two days so I haven't really had much of a chance to get online much other then for homework. Yippee for working again? I have to keep reminding myself through all the long days and the friends commenting on DQ's track record for being a horrible working environment. UGH.

I know it'll suck but it's not long term. Have to keep reminding myself. Might just become my mantra for life.

Anywho, finally watched the FMAB ep 5...I've always loved that episode in the old anime, manga, and now especially this anime (artwork will never get old because it's amazing!). The emotions are, I can't get over the intensity of that ep; and the artwork! *smacks lips*

Besides that, just added all my pictures to my old photobucket account which I blew the dust off of just 10 minutes ago. I just wanted to get them off the family computer so when I get my laptop fixed I have them still. <3

Ok. Done talking now. Nothing else new besides already having to remind my boss I can't work while I'm at church this Sunday. Foreshadowing? I hope to freakin' God it's not. *crosses fingers, prays, etc*

fma, laptop, work, fab

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